DIS Operations Posts

Innovating and Improving in The Gulf of Mexico

Innovating and Improving in The Gulf of Mexico

The Gulf of Mexico has long since been considered one of the US’ most important energy assets—an active hub in which multiple global oil and gas operators come together with the shared goal of being the premier providers of the world’s energy. It produces about 17% of...

Custom Solutions for Real-World Problems

Custom Solutions for Real-World Problems

At the very core of the DIS philosophy is the belief that there is always a better way to do something. In fact, the very first tool developed by DIS came about precisely as a result of that ethos: when co-founder Sam P. Hawkins III witnessed the catastrophic events...

DIS Around the Globe

DIS Around the Globe

Companies don't have to be large to make a big impact. Drilling Innovative Solutions has been a tight operation since its founding in 2013, but that hasn't stopped us from broadening our reach to a global scale. Our commitment to efficiency, reliability and excellence...

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